How to make your resolutions last in 2020

We all know making New Year’s resolutions are simple but sticking to them is a lot harder.

The top six most popular changes people usually want to make are to exercise more, lose weight, get organised, learn a new skill or hobby, drink less alcohol and spend more time with people they love.

Easy to say – harder to do.

The good news is an American psychoanalyst has come up with five easy tips to help you keep your resolutions in 2020.

Own up – Identify the areas where your life really needs changing and be honest with yourself.

Write it out – Write down your goals and create an action plan with realistic, time-scaled steps you can work too. There’s loads of information around this on the internet.

Find out why? – Start a journal on why you do the things you want to change. Why do you overeat? Drink too much? Avoid the gym like it’s been overtaken by a swarm of angry wasps? This will help you understand your triggers and motivations.

Reward yourself – Lost five pounds of weight in a month – treat yourself (maybe not to a family-sized pizza though). Incentives keep us going.

Tell someone – Perhaps the most powerful tip. When you tell someone what you are trying to change it helps keep you on track and be accountable for your actions. If you are feeling really determined, share your resolutions on social media.

And while we can’t help you change what you eat, drink or do, we can assist you with another popular resolution. We can help you move home successfully in 2020.

Next year will be a busy year for the property market in Keighley. Buyer confidence is bouncing back and getting your home up for sale early in January helps you stand out from the crowd that will follow in the spring months.

If you are thinking of selling, give us a call for a no-obligation chat.

Whatever your resolutions for 2020 are go for it and good luck.

All of us at Keighley Whitegates would like to wish everyone in Keighley a Happy New Year and may the next decade bring you all you wish for.

Remember folks sharing is caring, so if you found this article interesting please share it on social media and tag a friend or forward it to them.

Thanks for reading.


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